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Pop Up with Sanctuary Sol

Make Your Own Smoke Cleansing Wand  With Yadira La Curandera 

Using locally harvested herbs in the Hudson valley come and enjoy your unique connection with our local plant kin by choosing the herbs for your bundle, ritual oil of choice, and have a curandera (south American medicine person) activate the intention with you. 

Smoke cleansing is the act of burning special healing herbs as part of a cleansing ritual to clear energies, air or a physical space.

Body, Mind, and Soul are all positively impacted by smoke cleansing. 

Smoke cleansing can be seen as the psychic equivalent for “washing your hands before eating” smoke from some herbs can even change the molecular structure of air and energy. Smoke attaches itself to negative energy and when smoke dissipates, negative energies dissipate as well.  Studies show that burning some plants can reduce bacteria in the air, even after that smoke has gone. When burned , sage and other herbs release negative ions, which are linked to a more positive mood. How? Smoke increases the oxygen supply in the brain, producing muscle relaxation and, therefore, a happier, more relaxed self.

Yadira will have available offerings such as handmade wearable art, mystical jewelry, traditional ritual oils for autumn, bath blends, and ritual resins.

September 15

Pop Up with Herbal Magick

September 16
